Author Archives: Eclat Roofing

Texas Weather: Be Storm Ready

Texas stormWe Texans are no strangers to severe weather. This spring’s record rains, winter’s powdery snow and slick ice, tornadoes, wicked heat, high winds, hail, and flooding are all realities in our often unpredictable climate. Preparing ahead to face these storms is often the key between history and tragedy, so here we have compiled a few tips to help you be storm ready.

Basic Storm Preparedness

Your Property:

  • Tornadoes, hurricanes, and other high winds pose as threats to your windows and doors. If time allows, board up windows and doors, and seal gaps with nails and caulking.
  • Shut off water and electricity to your property if flooding is incoming. This will help keep your water lines clean in the event that there is a sewage main break.
  • Consider purchasing a backup generator. Electricity is often cut during storms. Generators need only to power a few appliances, such as a refrigerator and some fans, and are practical and largely affordable. Whole home generators are also available.

Your Family:

  • Create a family emergency plan that covers relevant insurance information, family communication, special needs, pet precautions and plans, vital emergency supplies, and an escape route. Decide how to proceed if family members are not home.
  • Follow evacuation advisories and instructions from local authorities. In the event of an evacuation, notify friends or loved ones of your evacuation plans to avoid panic.
  • Designate a home safe zone from high winds and tornadoes. It should be in a sturdy building or home, in an area free from windows or glass, such as a closet.
  • If you are away from home when flooding is forecast or is occurring, stay where you are! 60% of flooding fatalities occur when people are trapped in their cars in high water.

If your home or business suffers storm damage, call our professional roofers at (214) 373-1500 or (817) 800-1881 for rapid storm repairs. Even if your roof seems intact after a storm, it is always wise to have it inspected! Dallas’ top roofing contractors are on hand to help you after a storm. 

Steep Roofing Maintenance

building with steep roofSteep roofs, in all their beauty, require professional maintenance and attention. Their dramatic slopes and angles create stunning visual features to your home or building, along with ample interior space and heightened ceilings. While captivating, their steep slopes should only be attended to by trained professionals, as there can be a serious danger of falling. Professional repair and upkeep of steep roofs will ensure longevity of your roof for years to come.

Steep roofs proudly and boldly display your choice of roofing, so caring for your roofing system is all the more important. Fortunately, steep roofs offer excellent water drainage and are less susceptible to UV damage, so roofing systems typically last long-term. All roofs ultimately require maintenance, and utilizing trained, experienced roofers to care for your roof is critical.

Our Expert Roof Service

The team of professionals at Eclat Roofing is trained in industry leading techniques to keep your roof performing its best. Storm damage repair, full roof replacement, and insurance claims are all in our realm of expertise of steep roofing maintenance. Our expert roofers are here to protect your roof, no matter how slippery the slope. For quality steep roofing service in Dallas, call our team today at (214) 373-1500 or (817) 800-1881.


About Built Up Roofs

Picture of built-up roof

Built-up roof with a gravel or aggregate coating

Here at Eclat Roofing, we take pride in knowing that our customers have complete satisfaction with the jobs that we perform. To achieve that, we make sure that we’ve discussed all relevant possibilities to ensure that they feel confident in their choice before we get to work While we love to do this in person, we also thought we’d present a little information about one option, built up roofs, here.

Their Makeup:

This roof type gets made up from quite a few materials, including: gravel, mineral granules, slag, glass fiber, hot asphalt, aluminum coatings, mineral surfaced cap sheets and elastomeric coatings. 


Depending on how you want your roof installed, a bottom base layer could get put in first and mechanically fastened. Then, layers of felt and bitumen get put on via either a hot or a cold application. Finally, a top layer gets put on as well, made up of the materials mentioned previously.


Built up roof systems have stayed in use for over a hundred years. If you want to take advantage of this time tested material, give Eclat Roofing a call today for more information at (214) 373-1500 or (817) 800-1881.

Which Roofs Offer Hail Resistance?

hail that fell from the skyHail proves the bane of homeowners everywhere; the hassle alone of getting your roof inspected causes annoyance, not to mention damage costs, fighting the insurance company and repair times. Did you know that some roofs offer more hail resistance than others? Here, we list which roofs offer the most hail resistance.

Hail Resistant Roofs:

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. has a ranking system for a roof’s hail resistance: Ranks 1, 2, 3 and 4. It refers to how many 1/4s over an inch the diameter of a hail stone that a roof can take. So, rank 1 could withstand hail at 1 1/4 inches and rank 4 could withstand hail at 2 inches. All of the following roofs offer protection from hail.

  • Metal
  • Tile
  • Stone
  • Slate
  • Laminate Shake
  • Specialty Asphalt Shingles


If you’d like to take advantage of one of these roof’s hail resistance, give Eclat Roofing a call about installation. We also offer other roofing services. You can reach one of our amicable representatives at (214) 373-1500 or (817) 800-1881.

About Imitation Tile

imitation tile roofWhen it comes to getting a new roof installation, you have plenty of material options to choose from. While you definitely need to discuss them all with your personal roofer, it doesn’t hurt to learn a little more about them beforehand. We would like to discuss one of our material options here at Eclat Roofing: imitation tile (sometimes called “synthetic tile”).

About The Benefits:

Imitation tile gets made out of plastic, rubber or a mixture of both. These materials don’t cost nearly as much as their counterparts that they get made to look like (concrete tile, slate tile etc.), but they display most of the longevity and weather resistance.

Imitation tile offers the perfect economical option with high end performance. You can get the look of the much sought-after Spanish tile roof at a price that won’t break the bank. On top of lower material costs, this roof has a much easier installation process. On top of that, it doesn’t become brittle in its later years like slate does.


If you’d like to know more about this material option, just talk to one of our professionals roofers at Eclat Roofing. We also have many other installation and service options. For more information, you can reach us at (214) 373-1500.

FAQs About Wood Shake Roofs

Picture of wood shake roofWe could all probably stand to do some more research before we jump into big purchases. Many of us just don’t have the time. When it comes to your roof, you need a contractor who you can trust; you’ll find just such a contractor here at Eclat Roofing. We’ll keep you updated on all information relevant to your decision. To help with that, we’ve put together some FAQs about wood shake roofs.

 Do they last a long time?

Compared to other highly sold roofs like asphalt shingles, they have a great life-span. While they do need a strict maintenance schedule, they can last well over 20 years.

What does their maintenance entail?

When about ten years have passed from your installation, you will need to have an inspection done every other year to spot problems before they get bad. It will start to become susceptible to curling and burn outs. Luckily, maintenance on these types of damages proves relatively easy.

Will repairs break the bank?

The answer depends on the amount of maintenance you have performed before repairs become necessary. If you spot damage early, it won’t cost as much to fix.


Hopefully this helped inform you. If you have more questions about wood shake roofs, or any of our other roofing options here at Eclat Roofing, please don’t hesitate to give one of our friendly representatives a call. You can reach us at (214) 373-1500 or (817) 800-1881.

EPDM: The Benefits

picture of EPDMDo you own a business? Does it need a new roof? You might benefit from hearing about EPDM roofing materials, a mixture of ethylene, propylene, and diene monomer. To make such a huge decision, you must make sure you know what you’ll get from each option. Here, we’ll go over the benefits of EPDM roofing to make that easier.

Why you may want to invest in an EPDM roof:

  • White option offers high UV light reflectivity; you can save a lot on your energy bills if you live in a hot climate.
  • It won’t deteriorate from UV damage. Also, it provides resistance to hail and other inclement weather damage.
  • It has flexible properties, but retains it’s shape. It can set with your building.
  • Provides one of the more economical options for its roof type.

If these sound appealing, contact one of our professional roofers at ECLAT roofing to learn more. We’ll happily discuss any of our services in detail. You can reach us at (214) 373-1500 or (817) 800-1881.

Hand Cleaning Your Gutters

gutters on side of houseDo you stay on top of regular gutter maintenance? You should, the health of your gutters contributes to the health of your whole roof by preventing pooling water. You can save money by hand cleaning them yourself. Here, we’ll go over how to do that as efficiently as possible.

Proper Clothing:

Before you get started, you’ll need clothes that can both get dirty and protect you from cuts. Find a thick pair of gloves and a long sleeved shirt.

What Type Of Ladder?

You have two ladder options, which you choose based on the slope of your yard. For a flat, even yard, use a free standing ladder. If your yard slants, a leaning ladder will work best. Don’t rest it against the gutters, instead you can use “ladder horns”.

How To Start?

Buy a gutter scoop, or you can just use your child’s toy shovel, and get to work clearing out all debris. To save your yard from the dirt, and make cleaning up simpler, put a tarp on the ground to catch it.


Finally, you’ll need to ensure the downspouts haven’t gotten clogged and can drain properly. Fire your hose water down them, looking for leaks. If they have a clog, fill them up with water, then start tapping on different parts of the downspout. When you hear a change in pitch, give it a good rap. Watch out, the debris will fly out.


Follow these steps and you will fly through the gutter cleaning as fast as possible. If your roof has sustained damage, and you need repairs, Eclat Roofing can help. To find out more about this and our many other services, give us a call at (214) 373-1500 or (817) 800-1881.

What Makes Lightning?

Most of the more amazing processes in nature involve such complex processes that our brain sort of turn off when we try to learn about them. However, learning a little bit at a time, you can build up a pretty huge knowledge base. To help you do this, we’ve put together a basic explanation of what makes lightning strike:

lightning over black backdrop




How Lightning Strikes:

In thunder clouds (usually cumulonimbus) the water molecules inside the cloud constantly collide with themselves. This friction has the same effect your feet do when they rub into a carpet with socks on; they create electrical charges. For reasons we don’t entirely fathom, positive charges make their way to the upper portion of the cloud and negative charges go to the bottom. 

When enough of these charges come together, they create an electric field. This field does two things; first, it pushes away the negative charges from the ground, giving it a positive charge. Next, it creates a “step leader”, basically ionized air (or plasma), that creates a path for the electrical current we call lightning.


Remember, storms can cause a lot of damage to your roof. If you want to take advantage of our storm damage repair, or any of our other services, here at Eclat Roofing, give us a call today. You can reach us at (214) 373-1500 or (817) 800-1881.

What Makes Hail?

hail that fell from the skyHail proves one of the most damaging natural phenomenon to property within the US; it costs us billions of dollars every year. Unfortunately, we don’t have many avenues of stopping it. If you find the whole process interesting, we’ve gone over what makes hail fall down from the sky.


The Basics:

Two things have to happen for hail to form. Updrafts must carry moisture high up into the atmosphere and the level of freezing atmosphere must get lowered. Cumulonimbus clouds offer the perfect climate for this. Their updrafts carry the moisture to freezing levels, where it turns into ice that then accumulates more moisture/ice. When it gets too heavy for the wind to hold up, it falls to earth as hail.


Now you know the basics of how hail forms. If you have experienced hail, you should have your roof inspected as fast as possible by a qualified professional. If you need storm damage repair in Dallas, we at Eclat Roofing would like to offer our services. To find out more, please give us a call at (214) 373-1500 or (817) 800-1881.